Dental Hygienist
Our Hygienists provide a fantastic service to professionally clean your teeth and gums in a gentle manner using state of the art equipment.

Quick Smile
A 30 minute appointment using the ultrasonic scaler. Ideal for regulars, who need a quick clean and oral health check.
Super Clean
A longer, more thorough 45 minute appointment that includes interproximal polishing with EPITEX finishing strips.
Ultra Clean
A 60 minute appointmet that utilises our sensational Jet Spray Polisher. The effect is instant, removing both old and new stains caused over time by tea, coffee, wine and cigarettes. Your teeth will feel the freshest they’ve felt and look instantly brighter without bleaching. The Jet Spray Polisher is not suitable for all – please check before booking
Periodontal Deep Cleaning
The dental hygienist removes plaque through a deep-cleaning method call scalling and root planing.Scalingmeans scraping off the tartar from above and below the gum line. Root planing gets rid of rough spots on the tooth root where germs gather and helps remove bacteria that contribute to the disease. Where there is a clinical need the hygienist will also administer a course of Dentomycin.